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Upgrade Your Library Experience

Updated: Mar 1, 2021

After seeing Charlene, Harry and Sam in the mini-series, you may resonate with some of the characters. However, they might not be the most pleasant at times. With that said, which characters can you relate to, and what steps can you take to upgrade your library experience?


If you are the type to break out in sudden moves in the library, and instinctively talk above hushed voices, you would most probably relate to Charlene. Charlene is extroverted and loud, who loves talking to her friends in the library. However, this might cause disturbances to other library users who want to enjoy some quiet time in the library.

UPGRADE YOUR LIBRARY EXPERIENCE: Avoid unnecessary small talk and listen to music with your earpieces on.

Listening to music with your earpieces not only help keep the library a quiet and conducive place for all, but you are also listening to music for yourself only. Thinking of song recommendations to listen to while reading or studying? We got you covered here, here and here!

Photo: Kindness is Kool


Are you always feeling peckish, in need of a snack whenever you read or study in the library? You might relate to Harry. With a snack tucked in the crook of his arm, Harry never goes hungry during his study sessions. However, eating in the library can potentially attract pests and give them a chance to breed in library property.

UPGRADE YOUR LIBRARY EXPERIENCE: Consider visiting libraries with cafes if you tend to snack while reading or studying.

Marine Parade Library, Jurong Regional Library, Queenstown Public Library and Woodlands Regional Library do have cafes within them that serve up yummy food to keep you fueled during your time in the library.

From left to right, top to bottom, Woodlands Regional Library, Marine Parade Library, Queenstown Public Library, Jurong Regional Library. Photo: Kindness is Kool


Do you always keep a lookout for the latest coupons in newspapers and magazines? You might relate to Sam, who is always looking out for the best deals in town. Even the magazines and newspapers are not spared, as he would cut out coupons once he lays his hands on them. Such acts damage library property and aren't cool at all. No one likes to borrow a torn or damaged item.

UPGRADE YOUR LIBRARY EXPERIENCE: Keep library resources clean and undamaged for other library users.

Keeping library resources clean and undamaged would ensure that the next user can fully enjoy these items in their original form.

Let's not be like Sam and take care of library property and resources! Photo: Kindness is Kool

Special thanks to the National Library Board.

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